Magister Sign
Magister Sign
To be the Primo in Establishing and Providing Progressive, Competent and World Class Education and Empowerment Solutions in the fields of Aviation, Hospitality, Travel Management and Customer Service.
Every word of the vision leads to a descriptive mission statement which each one at FLYING STAR Aviation and Hospitality Academy, is committed to accomplish.
PRIMO – The Best
We are working to be the best in the industry, meaning we shall be inquirers, upgraded, aware, research based, innovative, and technology oriented, globally competent and cohesive in all that we do
ESTABLISH – Constitute
Educational institutions created by us across the globe will serve as an exemplar of highest quality of facilities, resources, education and service from early childhood education to higher education and beyond
PROVIDE – Administer
To make quality education evenly available and promote entrepreneurship, we empower visionaries to establish quality institutions by providing them the best technical and operational know how. Through constant guidance, training, mentoring and monitoring we ensure exalted services from each of our associates. Through franchising / consultancy we embrace individuals, trusts, organizations to achieve concerted aspirations.
PROGRESSIVE – Dynamic education.